Sunday, December 02, 2007

Dec 2

We've Done Everything Else
"We have learned to soar through the air like birds, to swim through the seas like fish, to soar through space like comets. Now it is high time we learned to walk the earth as the children of our God." William Sloan Coffin

Less than 50 percent of American adults understand that Earth orbits the Sun yearly, according to a basic science survey

My next house will have no kitchen---just vending machines and a large trash can.

My wife tells me she wants plastic surgery. so I agreed!! She got plastic surgery.
I cut up her credit cards."

The movies say, "I'll entertain you, but you must buy a ticket first."
The restaurant asks, "Eat here but you have to pay the bill."
The insurance offers to insure you, "But the premiums must be paid."
The ball club says, "You'll see a good game, but you must have the price of admission."
The golf course says, "Play here but first pay the green fees."
The ranger says, "The fish are biting, but you have to buy a license."
Then the Lord says, "In My church you will find spiritual food, fellowship, assurance of eternal life, consolation in time of trouble, spiritual blessings beyond measure and opportunities to do good to others and there is no specific charge. Pay as you are willing."
And everybody tries to get by as cheaply as possible!

Global-Warming Alarmism Is a Scam
John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel and a television meteorologist for more than 54 years, has called global-warming alarmism "the greatest scam in history."
Coleman notes on his blog — after studying scientific papers, interviewing numerous scientists and carefully studying the issue — "Scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long-term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming."

John Sutherland Bonnell, a great preacher of another generation, once suggested five questions which are useful in evaluating Christian effectiveness and commitment. Look closely at them to judge your strengths and weaknesses as a disciple of Jesus Christ:
1) Does my life day by day witness to the power of the Risen Christ?
2) Does my faith in Christ affect the quality of my daily living, so that there adheres to it a nobility and moral strength?
3) Is there anything in my life that reminds men and women of the Master to whom I have pledged my allegiance?
4) Is there any discernible difference at all in my life as contrasted with the lives of those who never acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior (see Matthew 5:46-48)?
5) Do I manifest in the midst of this fevered generation a serenity of spirit which reveals that the peace of God is dwelling in my heart?

Changes in Leisure-Time Activities
A recent study by The Harris Poll reveals that Americans' leisure-time activities have remained the same, yet percentages have changed.
Topping the list of favorite activities — in the three years since the poll last asked Americans — were reading, TV watching and spending time with friends and family. While these are the same top three as in 2004, what has changed is the percentage of people who cite these as their favorites. In all three cases, the numbers have dropped: over one-third (35%) cited reading in 2004, this year that is down to 29 percent; TV watching has dropped from 21 percent to 18 percent, and spending time with friends and family has dropped from 20 percent to 14 percent.
The telephone poll of 1,053 U.S. adults also showed that computer activities (rising from seven percent to nine percent) and going to the movies (which has dropped from 10 percent to seven percent) round out the top five leisure-time activities.
In addition to computer activities, the largest increases in popularity in 12 years were watching sporting events (up four points), exercise (up three points) and crafts (up three points).
The biggest declines the poll revealed were TV watching (down seven points), sewing/crocheting (down five points), entertaining (down four points) and swimming (down four points).

Casinos Land in Biloxi Residents of Biloxi, Miss., are still working to rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Casinos, it turns out, are way ahead of them. Eleven of the city's 13 casinos have reopened since the storm — having bought ravaged land at bargain prices before other businesses had a chance. And eight more gambling houses are expected to sprout along Mississippi's coastline in the next six years. Casinos that had been kept on the water before Katrina are now allowed to rebuild inland.

Young Children and Alcohol According to new research, seven percent of 4th graders have had an alcoholic drink in the past year. Rates of alcohol consumption continue to rise thereafter, with the biggest jump taking place between 5th and 6th grade — a time when many children begin middle school. "There is a fairly sizeable amount of literature showing that the earlier people start to drink, or even have their first drink, the more likely they are to have problems later in life with alcohol, drugs, delinquency, risky sexual behavior [and] motor vehicle accidents," said John Donovan, associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and author of the study published in the Sept. issue of Prevention Science.

Important information for those who have not been to church in a while:
1) Christ loves you and desires your worship and praise.
2) Fellowship with other believers is commanded in the Scripture (Hebrews 10:24-25).
3) You are wanted at Church. Nobody is mad at you for not attending lately. We want fellowship with you.
4) There are no reserved seats at Church. You cannot get in the wrong pew. Admission is free.
5) Do not buy a new suit or dress. Everyone will be excited to see you and will not notice what you are wearing.
6) Bring the kids (no matter how young or old they are). Do not just send them.
7) Bring friends or neighbors who are not attending Church. They'll feel good that you cared enough to ask.
8) Plan to come to Sunday School and the Worship Service. You will be blessed by both!

Dear God,
Forgive me if I complain; forgive me if I wish ill on anyone; but just for this day, I'd like to see all of the fishermen come home empty-handed. I'd like to have all the golfers be 'duffers' just for today. I'd like to have all late sleepers be awakened from pleasant dreams by a vision of an oven hot with no escape. I'd like to have all parents who let their children think today was only a day for children at Sunday School see their children twenty or thirty years from now. I'd like to have all those who stayed home to work on house or yard, as I could have done, find that the mower won't mow, the sewer won't sew, the cleaner won't clean and the wife is a little mean.
Having wished all this, dear Father above, and knowing full well it shows lack of love, I ask for Thy help in speaking Thy Word. For somehow, some way, Thy Voice will be heard by those who come and those who at home stay. Use me, dear Lord, in what way Thou will, for it is Thy will and not mine that will be done. Amen.

FEED ON CHRIST Feed on Christ, and then go and live your life, and it is Christ in you that lives your life, that helps the poor, that tells the truth, that fights the battle, and that wins the crown. --Philips Brooks

OUR CHURCH If our church grows, it is because our attendance is regular and we invite and bring friends and prospects regularly.
If ours is an active church, it is because we are committed to her ministries and give our time and influence to them.
If ours is a scriptural church, it is because we insist on nothing short of biblical preaching and teaching.
If ours is a friendly church, it is because we are friendly, taking the initiative to meet and greet new and old alike each week.
If ours is a redemptive church, it is because we are interested in bringing others into touch with the redeeming love of Christ.
If ours is an educated church, it is because we attend Sunday School and other educational opportunities and desire to learn more about the Bible.
If ours is a giving church, it is because we give not just offerings, but also of our God-given abilities, time and energy. --Author and Source unknown

Wise Sayings
- Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
- An optimist thinks that this is the best possible world. A pessimist fears that this is true.
- There is always death and taxes; however death doesn't get worse every year.
- People will accept your ideas much more readily if you tell them that Benjamin Franklin said it first.
- Anything free is worth what you pay for it.
- If it ain't broke, fix it till it is.
- In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.
- Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like.
- You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster.
- One of life's mysteries is how a two pound box of candy can make a woman gain five pounds.
- The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
- Time may be a great healer, but it's also a lousy beautician.
- Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
- Age doesn't always bring wisdom, sometimes age comes alone.
- Life not only begins at forty, it begins to show.
- You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop laughing.
- Remember, amateurs built the ark - professionals built the Titanic.
- Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.

It used to be only death and taxes were inevitable. Now, of course, there's shipping and handling, too.

FOOTBALL THEOLOGY A few definitions:
Draft Choice: the decision to sit on a pew close to the air-conditioning vent -- or away from it.
End Zone: The preferred place on the pew.
Pass Interference: What Mommy does with her eyes when she sees Bobby writing a note to a friend in church.
In the Pocket: Where too many Christians keep their offerings.
Two-Minute Warning: Deacon on the front row, taking a peek at his watch in full view of the pastor.
Fumble: The preacher's poorly-told warm-up joke.
Referee: Nursery worker presiding over a difference of opinion as to who was playing with the doll first.
Cheerleader: Youth choir girls complimenting the boys on their singing.
Huddle: Men gathering on the porch at 9:25 A.M., wondering who is going in the sanctuary first.
Instant Replay: The job of the Tape Ministry.
Capacity Crowd: Your pastor's dream.
New Season: Every Sunday

My father always loved fast cars. Taking advantage of the empty roads one morning, he accelerated down a wide-open stretch.
Unfortunately, a young police officer was waiting at the other end, and Dad was flagged down. He greeted the officer with a cheery "Good morning."
"And a good morning to you, Wing Commander," replied the officer... "Having trouble taking off??"


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