Tuesday, May 20, 2008

January 13, 2008

- Radio loses FM signal in fourth turn.
- Having to change your own tire when you have a flat away from the track.
- You crash going 200 mph and you end up in America's Funniest Videos
- Fuzzy dice blocks view of track.?
- Pit Crew practical jokes (Like only tightening one lug nut).
- Only one guy gets to go to the Winners Circle each week.
- No baseballs to autograph or toss into crowd.
- Not all laps are equal.?
- Being the bump "draftee" and not the drafter
- NASCAR Officials are much "tougher" than traffic cops.
- Having to remember to use your turn signal when you're not at the track.
- No rear view mirrow when you need to comb your hair.
- Monster Truck drivers have all the fun.
- Not being allowed to drive the hauler out on the interstate between weekends.
- Having to make a "real" pit stop with 50 laps left.
- Forgetting to remove "the Club" before the race starts.
- Hard to reach CDs with both hands on wheel.
- People who pronounce NASCAR "nasty car"?
- Sportscasters who don't think stock car racing is a 'real' sport
- Having to build a new addition onto your house every year to store trophies
- Getting stuck in all that traffic on the way home after a long day at the track
- Having to make right-hand turns on your day off.
- Not being able to "bump draft" the guy in front of you on the freeway. The sticker
price on those new tricked out Cars of Tomorrow.
And the number one NASCAR Driver Pet Peeve....
- Tight fitting fire suit turns a trip to the men's room into a half hour ordeal.

Note: Did you know that once you were blind and could not see? That you were bound as a prisoner and couldn’t get free yourself? That you were wandering in the dark with no way to “turn on the lights?” But now you live in the light of your Baptismal grace! You are sealed by the Spirit, washed clean of the past and freed from the bondage of your sin. Believe it, friend, and rejoice in the Baptismal grace you live in by the goodness and love of the Lord!

❖ Baptism points back to the work of God, and forward to the life of faith. --J. Alice Motyer
❖ In baptism we are initiated, crowned, chosen, embraced, washed, adopted, gifted, reborn, killed, and thereby sent forth and redeemed. We are identified as one of God's own, then assigned our place and our job within the kingdom of God. -- William Willimon.
❖ Our understanding of “what happened” [at our Baptism] cannot hang on the slender thread of our own recollection. What happened in your Baptism depends on what God did, not what you did or what you remember. — Larry Christenson.

A friend of ours told us of a day when she got so upset with two small preschoolers fighting over a doll that she grabbed the doll and threw it out the window. She then lectured the little children on sharing and on not fighting and was sure when she had finished that she had taught them something.
She had! Later that day, she found the children throwing loaves of bread out the window. Children will always learn more from what they see us do than from what they hear us say! Linda & Richard Eyre, Teaching Your Children Values

One youth, who had gotten into trouble, said this to his high-school counselor: "You know what I am? I'm a comma. When I talk to my dad, he'll say something, and then when I start to talk, he makes me a comma. He doesn't interrupt me, but when I'm finished talking, he starts in right where he left off. It's as if I didn't say anything!"
-As quoted by Russell E. Mase in "Love People, Use Things," Ever know what it is like to be reduced to a comma, a pause in someone else's speech? How many times do our lives make God feel like a comma?

In a recent poll of 272,400 middle-school and high-school students, respondents ranked parents as the most important influence in their lives and religion as second. However, 36 percent said they feel that adults don't value what kids think."

We can't see light itself. We can see only what light lights up, like the little circle of night where the candle flickers - a sheen of mahogany, a wineglass, a face leaning toward us out of the shadows.
When Jesus says that he is the Light of the World (John 8:12), maybe something like that is part of what he is saying. He himself is beyond our seeing, but in the darkness where we stand, we see, thanks to him, something of the path that stretches out from the door, something of whatever it is that keeps us trying more or less to follow the path even when we can hardly believe that it goes anywhere worth going or that we have what it takes to go there, something of whoever it is that every once in a while seems to lean toward us out of the shadows. -Frederick Buechner, "Light,"


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