Thursday, August 12, 2010

July 11

Scientific 'theory' is just madness, The theory of gravity is also incorrect, it's really God holding us down so we don't float to heaven too early.

"Golf is harder than baseball. In golf, you have to play your foul balls."

If you don't go to work for the Lord because you are afraid of making mistakes, you will probably make the greatest mistake of your life--that of doing nothing. --D. L. Moody

In 1999, Catherine Ryan Hyde wrote a novel called "Pay It Forward" (later turned into a movie). It starts with a teacher's assignment to "Think of an idea for world change and put it into action " Trevor, the 12-year-old hero, comes up with an idea. If he does something "real good" for three people and asks in return that instead of them "paying him back," they
"pay it forward" by doing a good deed for three other people, who are in turn asked to pay it forward, the math quickly shows that he could change the world.

The tests, conducted late last month in a sound-proof studio, found the vuvuzela emitted 127 decibels, more than the air horn - 123.5 decibels - and the Brazil's samba drums.
A referee's whistle was fourth while the cowbell, a favourite in Switzerland and Austria, trailed at 114.9 decibels.
"To put it in perspective, when a sound is increased by ten decibels our ears perceive it as being twice as loud, so we would consider the vuvuzela to be more than double the volume of the cowbell," audiologist Robert Beiny said in a statement.
Hear the World said extended exposure to 85 decibels risked permanent hearing loss and urged fans to use protection, such as ear plugs and ear muffs.

The bride was escorted down the aisle and when she reached the altar, the groom was standing there with his golf bag and clubs at his side. She said:
"What are your golf clubs doing here?"
He looked her right in the eye and said, "This isn't going to take all day,` is it?

"I don't believe that God chose you and blessed you so that you could heap those blessings up upon yourself. I believe God chose you...because He wants to make a difference in this world. And you know what? What I think is scary about God is He didn't come up with any 'plan B.' That He left the church here, and the church is the only group of people and the church is the only institution in the world that can bring about a change. This government cannot do it, so stop depending on the government. Educational systems cannot do it, so stop trusting educational systems. The church was chosen by God to make a difference...And you know what people?...You're gonna make a difference when you lay down your life, and in complete submission to God, choose to die with Him in service to other people." - Rich Mullins, the "Awesome God" guy

A police car pulls up in front of grandma Bessie's house, and grandpa Morris gets out. The polite policeman explained that this elderly gentleman said that he was lost in the park and couldn't find his way home.
"Oh Morris", said grandma, "You've been going to that park for over 30 years! How could you get lost?"
Leaning close to grandma, so that the policeman couldn't hear, Morris whispered, "I wasn't lost. I was just too tired to walk home."

The Good Samaritan is like “a Plains Indian in 1875 walking into Dodge City with a scalped cowboy on his horse, checking into a room over the local saloon, and staying the night to take care of him. Any Indian so brave would be fortunate to get out of the city alive even if he had saved the cowboy’s life.”

By loving the unlovable, You made me lovable. Augustine to God

1. Americans' Church Attendance Inches Up in 2010
Americans' self-reported church attendance has continued to inch up in 2010, with 43.1% of Americans reporting weekly or almost weekly attendance.
"A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities." – William Arthur Ward
"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." -- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
"He who angers you conquers you." – Elizabeth Kenny
Most of North America lives in multi-housing; 95% without Christ About 57 percent of all people in North America reside in multi-housing -- apartments, expensive high-rises, mobile home parks and condominiums. An estimated 95 percent of them are lost without Christ.

• What's So Funny?
As one gets older, it may be harder to "get" or understand jokes. Researchers at Washington University found that older adults — because they have "greater difficulty with cognitive flexibility, abstract reasoning and short-term memory — also have greater difficulty with tests of humor comprehension," reports the Associated Press. Findings revealed that the younger adults did six percent better on verbal jokes and 14 percent better on the comic portion [of their tests] than did older participants. (Now we know why people are not laughing at Pastor Don’s jokes)

"God must have had a lot of confidence in you to put you on the planet at just this time. It was his sovereign decision to insert you onto planet earth during a time of huge transition. It takes incredible faith to lead during hinge points of history." - Reggie McNeal, The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church (Jossey-Bass, 2003)

"Why do bad things happen? I don't know. Why did Jamie die? I don't know. But I do know that God has the answers, I know he loves me, and I know he has a plan – whether it makes sense to me or not. Rather than asking why, I'm asking what. What can I learn from this? What can I do for God's glory and to help others?" - Tony Dungy, talking about his son's 2005 death in Quiet Strength (Tyndale House, 2007)

The estimated cost of all of the parts of the iPhone cost $200. The average cost for the newest technological gadget to create consumer feeding frenzy is $499. - Source: Time magazine.

"You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving." - Amy Carmichael

The question is not “Who is my neighbor?” but “Am I a neighbor?” In other words, the burden of proof does not lie with another as to whether or not he is a neighbor in order to quality for my love. The question is, “Am I a neighbor to any and all, especially to those who are needy?” —Richard C. Halverson.

All the blessings we enjoy are divine deposits, committed to our trust on this condition, that they should be dispensed for the benefit of our neighbors. —John Calvin.

"Real leaders come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life. But they all have a few things in common:
"They are never so big that they can't bend down to help someone else.
"They are never so wise that they don't remember who taught them.
"They are never so gifted that they won't share their skills with others.
"They are never so fearless that they don't play by the rules and live by the law.
"They are never such big winners that they forget what it feels like to lose."

The Good Black Man
How did this parable affect the people who heard it? Think of it this way: If Jesus went to a Ku Klux Klan rally and they asked who is my neighbor. Jesus then might tell the parable, having the Grand Master of the Klan crash into a ditch only to be passed over by a white sheriff and a white minister. Finally, along would come a black sharecropper playing the part of the Good Samaritan.
How do you think the hearers at the Ku Klux Klan meeting would respond when Jesus asked, “Which of the three proved to be a neighbor?” They’d suddenly find themselves pairing together the words “good” and “black.” “The good black man.” And how would they deal with that topsy-turvy reality?

This is the most important day in your life.
Because this is the day that you are now living.
If your life is headed in an undesirable direction,
this is the day you can change it.
If there are dreams you are longing to fulfill,
this is the day you can follow them.
This day, right now,
is the day when you can put to use all the knowledge,
experience and wisdom you've accumulated.
On this very day,
you can do the things you've been meaning to do
and connect with the people you've been meaning to see.
On this day, you have a world full of choices.
On this day, there are more possibilities than ever before.
Of all the days you've ever lived, and of all the days to come,
this is the one special day that now matters the most.
For it is on this very day that you can now think
and speak and act and love and live.
Give yourself a quiet, peaceful moment,
and grasp the immense value
that is now yours on this very day.
Then step forward and fill it with beautiful life.

Bernie and Esther were not the most religious Jews and in fact they really only went to Temple once a year. As they were leaving the Temple, the Rabbi said, "Bernie, it sure would be nice to see you and Esther here more than once a year!"
"I know," replied Bernie, "but at least we keep the Ten Commandments."
"That's great," the Rabbi said. "I'm glad to hear that you keep the Commandments."
"Yep," Bernie said proudly, "Esther keeps six of them and I keep the other four."

Someone has observed that Knowledge is exploding at such a rate--more than 2000 pages a minute--that even Einstein couldn't keep up. In fact, if you read 24 hours a day, from age 21 to 70, and retained all you read, you would be one and a half million years behind when you finished.

The essential act of prayer is not the bending of God's will to ours . . .but the bending of our will to His. The proper outline of a Christian's prayer is not "Please do for me what I want," but "Please do in me, with me, and through me what You want." -- William Temple

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."--Mother Teresa

- "Suspicion often creates what it suspects." - C.S. Lewis
- "If your dreams turn to dust... vacuum." - Unknown
"Jesus loves you as you are, and not as you should be; because you will never be as you 'should be.'" --Brennan Manning

Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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