Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 7

What would the cause of Christianity be like if thousands of modern Christians
had the same zeal to seek the Savior that the magi had?

We may not be what we want to be, but thank God we are not what we used to be.

During this political season let’s be reminded of these wise words.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. - Abraham Lincoln

"Did you ever see the customers in health-food stores?
They are pale skinny people who look half-dead.
In a steak house you see robust, ruddy people.
They're dying, of course, but they look terrific." - Bill Cosby

Mary was discussing the various aspects and possible outcome of the insurance policy with the clerk at the Insurance Agency. During the discussion, she asked. "Suppose I take the life insurance for my husband today for a million dollars, and tomorrow he dies? What will I get?"
The clerk eyed her suspiciously and replied, "Probably a life sentence."

Teaching is not for sensitive souls. While reviewing future, past and present tenses with my ninth-grade English class, I posed the question " 'I am beautiful' is what tense?"
One student raised her hand. "Past tense."

Harry was never shy about reminding people that he played semi-pro baseball.
"My teammates used to call me James Bond," he was telling his friends. "I had all sorts of tricks to confuse the opposition." "That and he batted .007," his wife added.

What does it mean to forgive? Author Ken Sande says that when you really forgive someone—your parent, your spouse, your child, your friend—you are making four specific promises to yourself and to them. You are saying: Number 1. “I will not dwell on this incident.” Number 2. “I will not bring this incident up and use it against you.” Number 3. “I will not talk to others about it.” And Number 4. “I will not allow this matter to stand between us or hinder our personal relationship.”

With Him the calf is always the fatted calf; the robe is always the best robe; the joy is unspeakable; and the peace passes understanding. There is no grudging in God's goodness. He does not measure His goodness by drops like a druggist filling a prescription. It comes to us in floods. If only we recognize the lavish abundance of His gifts, what a difference it would make in our lives! If every meal were taken as a gift from His hand, it would be almost a sacrament.
--Haddon W. Robinson

"I have the most marvelous recipe for meat loaf - all I have to do is mention it to my husband and he says, 'Let's eat out!'"

One of the wise folk sayings of the Russian people is this: Make peace with men, and make war with your sins." Unfortunately, we usually do the opposite!" James W. Cox,

Let us not then be disturbed, neither dismayed, when trials befall us. For if the gold refiner sees how long he ought to leave the piece of gold in the furnace, and when he ought to draw it out, and does not allow it to remain in the fire until it is destroyed and burnt up: much more does God understand this, and when He sees that we have become more pure, He releases us from our trials so that we may not be overthrown and cast down by the multiplication of our evils. Let us then not be repining, or faint-hearted, when some unexpected thing befalls us; but let us suffer Him who knows these things accurately, to prove our hearts by fire as long as He pleases: for He does this for a useful purpose and with a view to the profit of those who are tried. --Chrysostom 3rd century

The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism. Norman Vincent Peale

At home in my own house there is no warmth or vigor in me, but in the church, when the multitude is gathered together, a fire is kindled in my heart and it breaks its way through. Martin Luther

• Most Affluent City in the U.S.A. The Census Bureau released its annual report on income and poverty last week. It may surprise you to learn that Plano, Texas, is the report's star among cities with populations of 250,000 or more. Plano has the highest income — median household income in 2007, $84,492 — and the lowest poverty rate. Plano is the home to corporate headquarters for Frito-Lay, JCPenney and other companies. Billionaire Ross Perot founded computer giant EDS and Perot Systems, both still based in Plano. Despite its affluence, the median home price is about $225,000.
The poorest city in the nation was Detroit — replacing Cleveland — with a median household income of $28,097. []
The top 1 percent of all households owned 35 percent of the world's wealth last year. Meanwhile, the top 0.001 percent, ultra-rich households holding at least $5 million in assets, commanded $21 trillion -- a fifth of the world's wealth.

An interesting observation from Nicole Malachowski who debuted in March 2006 as the first female pilot of the elite “Thunderbirds” - the Air Force air demonstration squadron. She was asked what it was like being the first woman Thunderbird. Her answer; “The plane doesn’t know I‘m a woman.”

When our service becomes performance - then it becomes entertainment, and man’s applause becomes the measure of our success.

You only believe that which compels you to action.

"The more progress you make in your spiritual life, the greater your conflict with the forces of evil." (George Whitefield)

“You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.” (James Thurber)

The greatness of a church is not determined by size, but by reach.

Taxation with representation ain’t so hot either.

They caught me driving too slow. You mean for driving too fast. No, if I was driving faster, they wouldn’t have caught me.

An easy putt is one made by another player.

The humidity was terrible at the lake. We set out a mousetrap and caught a fish.

Not long ago, the doctor said I had to stop eating fast food, get up earlier, start exercising, and quit being so easily agitated. So what did you do? What could I do? I changed doctors.

Second place just means first loser.

Forgiveness: Never does the human soul appear so strong and noble as when it forgoes revenge and dares to forgive an injury. E. H. Chapin


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