Sunday, August 31, 2008

August 31

"There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery." - Colonel Sanders

"Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a
chasm in two small jumps."--David Lloyd George

"We can't save ourselves by pulling on our bootstraps, even when the bootstraps are made of the finest religious leather." - Eugene Peterson

I believe with all my heart God wants our church to learn to be more like Jesus. This means we must become less a business and more a family, less a police force for the lawbreakers and more a hospital for the hurting, less a social club and more a spiritual ministry, and less worldly and more heavenly. Joe McKeever

Instead of following our tiny, tiny plans, God wants to open heaven and flood us. It's exciting. --Evelyn Christenson

God is very good to those who trust in him and often surprises them with unlooked for blessings. Little do we know what may happen to us tomorrow, but this sweet fact may cheer us, that no good thing shall be withheld. Chance is banished from the faith of Christians, for they see the hand of God in everything. The trivial events of today or tomorrow may involve consequences of the highest importance. --Charles Spurgeon

Always remember that in life, you make choices and then those choices make you.
Brian Mertens

Tennis scores go fro 0 to 15 to 30 to 40. Sometimes ageing seems the same.

Everyone is on this low-fat craze now. The Mayo Clinic just changed its name to the Balsamic Vinaigrette Clinic.

A group of Montana high schooler students played a prank: they let three goats loose in the school building. But before they let them go, they painted numbers on the sides of the goats: 1, 2 and 4.
The best part of the prank was when, after they had rounded up the three goats, the school administrators spent the rest of the day looking for goat #3.
Anatomy says it has never found the soul and adds, "Therefore there is no soul." The reasoning overleaps itself and takes away its own life. Has anatomy found genius? Or has anatomy laid its finger on imagination and held it up, saying, "Look, the mighty wizard"? But if there is no soul simply because anatomy has never found one, then there is no genius, no imagination, because the surgeon's knife has failed to come upon them! -- Joseph Parker

- "Veni, Vidi, Velcro" - I came, I saw, I stuck around.
- If you are what you eat, I'm dead meat.
- Did you hear about the Norwegian husband who loved his wife so much he almost told her?
- Why are builders afraid to have a 13th floor, but publishers aren't afraid to have a Chapter 11?
- Did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall to make up for a lousy summer?
- Did I tell you about the Amish couple who got divorced. Apparently he was driving her buggy.
- Does satisfaction come from a satisfactory?
- Right now there are 15 million Americans who have things that are old, funny-looking, don't work anymore and are only kept around for sentimental value. Some of these are called antiques. The rest are called husbands.
- Due to a slight mix-up with our pills at the kitchen counter, my wife will be heartworm-free for the next 30 days.
- So I tried one of those fad diets. All I got was fadder and fadder.

"Whatever you do, when you stop by the auto-wrecking yard, don't park your small car in a spot marked 'Compact.'"

When we are suffering, only Christ's perspective can replace our resentment with rejoicing. I've seen it happen in hospital rooms. I've seen it happen in families. I've seen it happen in my own life. Our whole perspective changes when we catch a glimpse of the purpose of Christ in it all. Take that away, and it's nothing more than a bitter, terrible
experience. --Charles Swindoll

I walked into Dairy Queen the other day and asked for a hot fudge sundae with extra hot fudge. The girl replied, "The hot fudge only comes in one temperature, ma'am."

Human beings are the only creatures on Earth that allow their children to come back home.-- Bill Cosby

His Word is not mere intellectual light, but spiritual life and celestial fire. It is the eyes of our heart that need to be enlightened more than the faculties of our understanding. It is little use to read the Bible simply as a duty or a study. We want to read it with burning hearts and glowing love as the love letter of His affection and the mirror of His face.--A. B. Simpson

A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot. It has to go through the white heat of the furnace to become porcelain.


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