Sunday, July 16, 2006

July 16

I dialed a number and got the following recording: "I am not available right now, but thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the beep If I do not return your call, you are one of the changes."

Aspire to inspire before you expire.

My wife and I had words, but I didn't get to use mine.

As my five year old son and I were headed to McDonald's one day, we passed a car accident. Usually when we see something terrible like that, we say a prayer for those who might be hurt, so I pointed and said to my son, "We should pray." From the back seat I heard his earnest request: "Please, God, don't let those cars block the entrance to McDonald's."

God made man before woman so as to give him time to think of an answer for her first question.

It is believed that one weekday edition of The New York Times contains more information than a typical person in 17th century England would come across in a lifetime.

"Your vision has not truly captured your heart until it captures your wallet."

"Stop praying for persecution in China to end. It is through persecution that the Church has grown. We, in fact, are praying that the American Church might taste the same persecution so revival would come to the American Church like we have seen in China." - a leader of the Chinese house church movement (World Magazine)

The boss was complaining the other day that he wasn't getting any respect. Later that morning he went to a local sign shop and bought a small sign that read:
"I'm the Boss!" He then taped it to his office door. Later that day when he returned from lunch, he found that someone had taped a note to the sign that said: "Your wife called, she wants her sign back!"

Dear God, Want to hear a joke? What is red, very long, and you hear it right before you go to sleep? Give up? A sermon. Your friend, Frank (age 11)

Check out this:

Instead of calling 411 for Information, simply dial 1-800-FREE-411 or 1 800 373-3411 without incurring a charge.

"The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind."

** Sometimes a political candidate who wishes to be returned to office will say, "I stand on my record." Our faith stands on the record of what God has done, on the record of promises kept. John 20:31 says "These are written that you may believe." Faith is not inherited, nor does it come by accident. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God and discovering that God keeps his promises. Faith is "standing on the promises."

Sociologists have a theory of the looking-glass self: you become what the most important person in your life (wife, father, boss, etc.) thinks you are. How would my life change if I truly believed the Bible's astounding words about God's love for me, if I looked in the mirror and saw what God sees?

Little Emily, the minister's daughter, ran into the house, crying as though her heart would break.
"What's wrong, dear?" asked the pastor.
"My doll! Billy broke it!" she sobbed.
"How did he break it, Emily?"
"I hit him over the head with it."


God bless you!

Jesus loves you and so do I!


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